"Amarillo y negro. Los taxis de Barcelona son fáciles de distinguir, pero pocos saben la razón de que luzcan esos colores. El negro vino determinado por el color de los primeros coches; el amarillo, por el ayuntamiento. En 1924, el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona obligó a pintar una raya para distinguir las distintas tarifas que existían. Y en 1930, al establecer una sola tarifa, todos los taxis quedaron marcados con la raya amarilla. Entonces empezaba a haber tantos coches por la ciudad que se decidió dejarlos vestidos con este uniforme. Así es más fácil saber cuándo levantar la mano y llamar a uno. <
"The yellow and black Barcelona taxis are easy to see but few people know how these clolours were chosen. Black was predetermined by the colour of the early motor-cars; yellow was determined by the Town Hall. In 1924 the city ruled that a different coloured stripe had to be painted on the vehicles to distinguish the various tariffs that were charged at the time. In 1930, when a unified tariff was established, all the taxis were marked with a yellow stripe. Around that time there began to be so many vehicles in the city that it was decided to maintain that uniform, to make it easier to know when to wave one's arm and call out <
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